Come join Capt. Casey on one of our tours on our 18 polar kraft boat on the Kennebec River (including Merrymeeting Bay) or in Casco Bay were you will see eagles, osprey, waterfowl, seals, light houses, and other historic places. You will learn the history of the area.
From shipbuilding, ice cutting to Market duck hunting.
Boat Tour:
2 hour tour $70 for two people and $20 for each additional person.
4 hour tour $100 for two people and $20 for each additional person.
We can also do all day tours. The cost would start at $200
Come enjoy the scenery and a relaxing day!
Visit Us
Casey Mowers | 1272 River Road | Bowdoinham ME 04008
Call Us
(+207) 737-4029 | Cell: (+207) 522-3275
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